Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Helloooo? Helloooo? Is anyone there?

All right ya’ll. Operation “Blog about Husband Every Day” is still in effect. Sadly, as with other times when I blog often, I am just sort of blanking out on what to write about. But I thought about it, and here it is. There is something Husband does that drives me up the wall bananas. Usually, I mostly keep this to myself, because its probably pretty petty, but today, I’m getting it off my chest:

Husband is horrible at returning my messages.

I know, I know. It’s not that big of a deal, especially when I’ll most likely see him at home in a few hours, but oh my, does it drive me crazy. During the beginning of our courtship, we would text often. During work, we’d send each other cute, funny texts, because you know, we’re in that stage where we wanted to talk to each other all the time. The texting, since we were at work, was delayed, because you know, we’re working, we can’t be just texting all the day long, so it took a bit of time for either of us to write back to each other. But then we got farther into our relationship, and the texting cut back a little. Then we got married, and the texting pretty much stopped, which, again, is fine. I see him before I leave, I’ll see him again when I get home, we really won’t have anything else to say to each other that can’t wait. But now, when I text him during the day, it’s because I have a question for him that I need an answer for before the day is over. Ideally, it’s a question that I need an answer for something in the next hour. And, dun dun dun dun, I usually don’t get an answer. When asked later, I always get the same answer: “I just don’t look at my phone”.

I’m not sure if I believe this, but that’s all right. When a phone dings, don’t you instinctively look at it? Isn’t that what people usually do, look at something when it makes a noise? But that’s ok, people are busy, and things don’t always go the way you want. Now, I know the answer to this is, don’t work on anything during work that I need any consulting from Husband on, but sometimes, that’s the only time to do it, as so many places are only open 9-5. (which incidentally, drives me crazy as well)

But I will persevere. At this point in my life, I understand that Husband won’t actually text me back, so I’m not waiting for it anymore, and if it happens, I’ll just be pleasantly surprised. But now if there are any snap decisions to be made, I’ll make them myself, and no one gets to complain about the consequences.


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