Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 81–Gnome

When we got back from trek, I noticed that our lawn had been mowed. This seems to happen a lot lately. It’s not that we’re lazy, it’s that our lawn mower broke. And instead of getting a new one, Husband keeps saying that he can fix the old one. Of course, he’s so busy he never has time, and then our lawn just gets longer and longer, until the neighbors can’t take it anymore, and take care of it for us. I know, it’s a bad cycle. And if we had a working mower, it would be avoided, but you see how it circles around. So not only was the front lawn mowed (which is usually all they do) but now, the back yard had been mowed, and weeded. They really went the extra mile! I wish I knew who to thank in this case. Then, I looked a little closer at the yard, and noticed that a small guest has joined us.


This little guy, and a small light, had joined us as well! Thanks, neighbors, we appreciate the love you’re sending.

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