Thursday, June 28, 2012

Scout Camp

Today, I got the opportunity to go to Scout Camp. Also known as Webelos Woods, but I only heard a couple of people call it that, so I can't verify the authenticity. It's held up Springville Canyon, in Jeremiah Johnson ranch. Since I've only been a leader for a few months, this was my first time ever going to a boy scouts camp. I don't know that I'd even call it camp, since to me, camping is when you have to at least spend the night. But thankfully, we don't have to do any overnighters with our boys. I'm grateful for that.
The camp started this afternoon, at 2 or so (and finished at 8), and had several stations the boys rotated through. There was archery, shooting BB guns, trekking with a handcart, canoeing, all sorts of fun stuff. To be honest, I wish I had signed up for this stuff too, I wanted to shoot and hunt and all that stuff. Maybe next year... Our boys mostly behaved. We had one that would jump into every river...lake...pond...body of water that he could, so by the end of the day, he was filthy. This same boy, when another scout leader dropped a bead, picked it up and ATE IT. That's right, he just randomly picked a bead off of the campground and swallowed it. What the heck? Luckily, those were pretty much the only trying times we had.
With all the fires happening around us right now, there were I think 2 that were right over the mountain of where we were all day. It rained ash on us all day long. It was all over the place, our hair, our clothes, everything. It just smelled of fire all day long. And when I got home, and sneezed, black ash came a-flying out of my nose. (You're welcome for that bit of too much information I gave you, and I apologize for it.) But soap and water has cleaned me up, and now, I'm just exhausted. Being outside all day in the sun, chasing after kids, and trying to make sure no one kills each other gets pretty tiring. Needless to say, even though its only nine, I'm ready to go to bed. The bright side of all this is, we don't have to go back for a whole year. :)

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Scout camp does seem pretty cool. Strange that they still had it so close to the fires, but I guess if they thought it was safe, it made sense not to cancel it.