Monday, June 11, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

This past Saturday was Summerfest. I go every year, but I never really do anything there. I don’t ride the rides, I don’t buy any of the goods, I mostly go to eat a funnel cake and walk around. This year, I participated a little more, and ran in the Summerfest Firefighter’s 5k that morning. I ran this one by myself – PJ, whom I usually run with, was out of town, and Husband was sick, so I just went alone. Never again will I do this – going to a race completely alone was not fun at all. So I waited around for the start to happen, and then, took off like a shot. It was a pretty easy course, no hills or anything. I finished in 24:51, which was pretty good, I thought. The computers weren’t working there after the race, so they couldn’t tell us who finished where or anything, they said they’d post it online later, and give away the finisher medals at a later time, they would notify the winners. So I was checking today, and lo and behold, they posted the times/rankings. I was #20 to cross the finish line, not too shabby, I thought. And, if they have their age groupings the way most races do, I finished third in my age group. Not too bad at all! I hope that’s how it worked out, but I don’t know how they’re going to work it all out, so maybe I didn’t place, but maybe I did. All I care about is that I ran better, and did pretty well. If I get a medal, awesome, I’ll post it on here for everyone to see. But if not, I know I did a great job anyway.

We went to Husband’s family’s house yesterday for dinner and to play some games. We ended up only playing one – Electronic Catchphrase. I love this game. I’m pretty good at it too. Of course, I’m the most competitive, so I get really wrapped up into it, yelling and trying to make points, etc. I know I’m like this, and I’ve accepted it. I get that I get way too into board games, and fights will usually ensue. Of course, this happened yesterday, and someone at the party said something that I hate – “It’s only a game.” I hate this phrase. Yes, I used a strong word there, hate. But you know, it’s the worst. Here’s what I hate about it: yes, I know it’s a game. I know that it’s just for fun. But still, I like games. I like to win. I will get a little wrapped up in the game, and I will totally fight someone to get a point. I know it’s worthless. I know that it doesn’t make sense. But it’s what I do. So be warned, friends. I will come to every game night that you throw. But I will try my hardest to win, even if we’re only playing Sorry.

Good news, everyone, I am getting so close to being able to eat. I ate some oatmeal on the right side of my mouth earlier, and then for lunch, I ate a little pasta over there as well. Of course, right now it’s hurting me a little, but at least it’s getting possible! I am just so excited, I feel like with these new developments, I’ll be able to eat in less than a week. I’m crossing my fingers, and I think you should all as well, I need all the luck I can get.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Come play with June. She totally plays to WIN!

And it's a bummer when things aren't ready to go like at that race. It is much better to know the day of. It kinda loses steam after that.