Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week Events

This has been a crazy week. With the loss of my in-laws, there have been too many things we need to do before their funeral this weekend. I took time off work, and stepped in to help as much as I can. At one point, I was watching the little kids while people were dealing with things. It had been about 30 minutes, and I was trying to get them to go down for a nap, because I thought that’s what kids did. So I told them we’d all be going downstairs for movie time, and led them down the hardwood stairs. After a few steps, I had turned the corner, and I heard a huge THUD and an immediate cry. I turned around, and my niece Lily, who is 3, had slipped on her flip flop, and smashed her face into the stair. Her eye immediately swelled up, but luckily, it didn’t break the skin, no blood. I picked her up in a hurry, got some ice, and tried to get the swelling down. After a few minutes, she whimpered herself to sleep, and we (there was someone else there too, a cousin) covered her up with a blanket, with the ice on her face, and waited a while to tell her mom. Not because we’d be in trouble, but with so much going on, we didn’t want to add more to her plate. Here’s what Lily looked like, 4 days after the incident.


Believe me when I say, it’s a huge improvement over what it did look like.

After taking care of Cookie for a couple of days, I brought her back. Since we were spending the bulk of our time at the big house with everyone, it made sense that we had her there. I think that with the amount of people in for everything, and maybe someone fed her something she wasn’t supposed to eat, or something, but she got sick. Like…go to the bathroom all over her cage…and herself…and everything else…and vomit…kind of sick. The foreign exchange student that lives with my sister-in-law was graduating from high school today, so while everyone went to the graduation, I stayed behind to clean up Cookie. After cleaning her cage, and mopping the floor, and giving her a bath, the desire for me to have a dog vanished completely. Thanks, Cookie.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Ok...I did have to laugh when you texted me about this incident. I felt bad for you because you were just trying to help out but it did make me giggle. I could just imagine what you were thinking and trying to do when Amber came home. :)