Monday, May 20, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Saturday, as I was at home, doing nothing in particular, the doorbell rang. Since it was a Saturday night, and people usually don’t come over on the weekend, I had no idea who it would be. When I opened it, it was someone from my ward, asking me if I would substitute for her for Primary the next day. I’ll be honest, I absolutely didn’t want to, but since she was right in my face asking, I couldn’t think of an excuse quickly enough, so I had to say yes. That was the weirdest thing to me – I’ve never had someone come to my house before to ask me to sub, so now I need to know how to deflect that. I’ll work on it.

On Friday night when I got home, I had given myself the goal to do my laundry before I went to sleep that night. I got home from seeing the new Star Trek movie (great film, everyone) at about 9:30, and got to work. I threw some clothes into the washing machine, then killed time by cleaning the kitchen, including wiping the counters, sweeping, mopping. Then I vacuumed the whole house, threw in another load, dusted the house, and folded the clothes before, finally, it turned 12:30, and I thought, I really should get some sleep. I felt so productive! I encourage everyone to stay up for hours and hours to clean your house. (I don’t)

TV shows are coming to end. The finales are here, the shows are all wrapping up, and that makes me happy, I think now I can finally feel like my DVR isn’t completely full all the time of a hundred shows. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m caught up on stuff, I’m still at least 2 weeks behind on every single show, but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…I know that things are very nearly over.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I need your motivation to clean my house. My list is huge!!