Friday, May 17, 2013

Foto Friday

I went and visited my older sister the other day, and she has three small kittens that were born recently, they are really small. I wanted to take one home with me, even though I think cats are the devil. Honestly, there is not a worse animal in the world. But I think kittens are to die for, because they’re just so small and cute. When they get bigger, they’re awful and gross and evil. But I held this kitten anyway.

Vieve Cat

It may look fancy, being in black and white, but that’s only because I have super red eye in the pic, and the cat has devil shiny eyes, so this way, we look ok. But look how small it is! We’re best friends! Until he gets bigger, and then I don’t want anything to do with him.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I love the black and white photo. I need to make more of my photos black and white.