Monday, May 13, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

This past week, Chelle and I were down in the breakroom, grabbing a drink, reading the local paper, and getting some candy. It’s possible we figured out that you didn’t have to put a quarter in one of the machines to get some candy, so we kept turning the dial, and kept getting candy. I plan on putting quarters in at some point to make up for the ones we got for freesies. This is how many I squirreled away.


Yesterday, I was getting ready to do my morning run, and my finger hurt, so I looked down at it. I don’t even know how it happened, but all of a sudden, I had a cut on my finger about a half an inch long, and it was bleeding. For the life of me, I honestly can’t remember at all where it came from. I’m not sure where it even COULD have happened, but that’s ok, I’ll just keep it covered until it heals, and try to figure out where the heck I cut myself, to avoid it for the future.

Now that it’s time for summer, its race season time. I was looking over my upcoming race schedule, and I have like, 2 races per month until September. In case you were dying to know what races I’ll be doing this year, in case you wanted to do one: Memorial Day 10k, Art City 5k, Summerfest 5k, Roundup 10k, Freedom Festival 10k, Lindon Days 5k, Hobble Creek half-marathon, Color Run 5k, Swiss Days 10k, South Jordan half-marathon, and the Turkey Trot. So in the upcoming 7 months, I’ll at least be running 67.4 miles, or 106K. I look forward to the challenge…but not all the money I’ll be paying to run these.


Maleen said...

Please call me and tell me where the color run is. I've been wanting to do one of those for ages.

Chelle! said...

I was freaking out when the dial kept turning on the Mike & Ikes. Craziness!! You are my hero when it comes to running. I want to do it so badly.