Saturday, October 4, 2008

I have the memory of a goldfish!

Tonight, I hung out with my younger sister, Rory. She was giving me a pedicure (which just goes to show you that the little gal loves me!) and while doing so, was commenting on the retardedness of my pinkie toe nails. For those of you who haven't seen it, or haven't heard me talk about it, it barely qualifies as a nail. The toe itself is barely a nubbin, so the nail itself is the smallest thing ever. Every time someone is painting my nails, they always comment on it, and laugh at it. I've gotten over my complex about it, but it hasn't been easy. Anyway, as she was ridiculing my freakishly small nail, she was telling a story about when we were young, and something happened with my brother and I playing basketball, and she had always thought that was why my nail is so small. I, however, had no recollection of said event.
I pride myself on having a somewhat good memory. I can recite many movies on command, I have a song memorized after only a couple of listenings to it. I can recall obscure things that I didn't even realize I had kept in my brain. But for some reason, I remember little to none about my childhood. There are so many family gatherings that we have where everyone is sitting around, laughing about something that happened back when we were small, and I laugh with them, but about 75-80 percent of the time, I don't remember it at all. I can vaguely remember some things happening, but as for details or anything, forget about it. I think the time my memory kicks in is when I'm about twelve or thirteen. And even then, it's the big things I remember-not anything small. I think I've really only retained info for the last 10 years or so. And that might even be pushing it.
I don't know why this is. Maybe with all my useless knowledge I have knocking about up there, I got rid of the essential stuff. The memory warehouse was full, and I've thrown out the old stuff to make room for the new. Luckily, I've held onto some of it, names and locations and stuff, but I wish I remembered as much about my childhood as everyone else in my family. But on the plus side, if there are any bad memories in there, I've forgotten them also, so I just think everything as a young child was happy. If ever I need to know anything though, alls I have to do is ask my sister-who probably will already know what I'm trying to remember.


Unknown said...

Attend, everyone: It's a known fact that Vieve never reads the comments, so I can ask for your assistance here. This is the one problem with a self aware/sentient construct: at some point in time they're going to realize that they have two sets of memories: One that's true dating from the time of their activation, and the second set being the memories that they "learned." If Vieve brings this up, just chuckle and tell her that's the way it is with everyone. We'll continue to try and reinforce the secondary memory by retelling the stories and introducing new ones every now and again. Just don't remind her that she hasn't seen anyone that she "went" to grade school with. That may trigger something truly bad.

Chelle! said...

Do goldfish have memories? I guess, if you would forget the whole "you're #1" from Maleen, then, you might have another braincell to create an old memory!! HA HA!!

Maleen said...

Yep, June keeps asking me about my childhood and I've got like five memories. I know she will be bored of them soon.
Great, now I'm wondering if I'm a robot wait, I've given birth...or have I? Thanks Blaine.