Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lost! Not found...yet

Ok, here's the thing. Things get lost around me all the time. I don't even lose them-I just realize, usually after a long period of time, that I haven't seen something in a while. Sometimes, it's just fallen behind my bed (where a lot of my pictures and remotes seem to end up) or behind my dresser or something, and when I find it later, I'm psyched! But lately, I'm noticing that things are coming up missing, and I have no idea where they could even be. I've lost video games, (that I'm pretty sure family members have "borrowed", only to never return again) shoes, books, and so much more stuff that I'm sure that I don't even know yet that I've lost.
When we first moved into the SF house from the Orem house, I lost a soccer bag in the move. True to my form, I don't think I noticed I had lost it until we had lived here for like a year or something, when I was trying to find the bag. The kicker is, I have absolutely no idea what was even in the bag. I don't know if I had soccer stuff in there, or random nothingness, but it's gone now. But the good news (for me) in that, is that Rory lost her bag-which is identical to mine. (creepy!) Still now, I wonder where that bag could be. Did we throw it away accidentally? Is it at the old house? I'll never know!
The thing that made me think of this recently is that my favorite towels have mysteriously disappeared. They're these big fluffy gray towels, and I didn't know I hadn't seen them for a while until a couple of days ago. I was trying to figure out the last time I had seen them, and I can't pinpoint the last time. I remember putting them into the laundry room, but other than that, I have no idea where they could have gotten to. I'm not saying someone in my house has stolen them, I'm just saying...there's nowhere else they really could have gone. But if they're returned shortly, I won't wage an all-out war on anybody. And I'll keep you people informed if they just randomly show up again.


Chelle! said...

Oh,no!!! I did not know that "NOBODY" lives at your house. I thought that Nobody only was at work with us. Crazy as it is...I know where 3 of your missing dvd's are...they are definitely with somebody!!!

Maleen said...

I can't get over the fact that your blog is light and I always expect it to be dark.
Anyways...I lost a CD. I say lost because I know I left it in a car that we traded but when we called the dealership, they said there was nothing in the CD player. Liars. Haven't found it yet, and I'm not surprised.