Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'll put you on the creepy train headed for creepy island where the creepy natives drink creepy nectar out of creepy coconuts...

I was watching a TV show tonight, and was completely creeped out by a storyline going on, and it made me realize that lately, I've been noticing things that really creep me out, and I want to share these with everyone.

1. Adult twins that are identical. I think it's adorable when they're small children, but as adults, I find it unnatural. Especially when they dress alike.
2. Newscasters hairstyles. They're so stiff and they don't move! What happened to having natural hair?
3. Children choirs, especially when it's just made of boys. There's something very creepy about boys with those high voices.
4. Cherubs. I know people think they're cute, but oh no. I hate looking at those.
5. Hairless animals.
6. Riverdance. How are they so in sync?!
7. Super skinny people. Eat a sandwich!
8. Really old people. I'm sorry, I'm an ageist. But when you get to be a certain age, you less resemble a person and more resemble...a skeleton wearing skin.
9. The phrase "make love" I'm sorry to those of you who think this is romantic, I've never been more creeped out by a single phrase in my whole life.
10. Mullets. Get your hair cut.
11. Michael Emerson-Ben from Lost. His eyes and voice are what do it. And his hair.
12. People who dress up their dogs like people and carry them around like children. Get a friend, please.

I know that this is a ridiculous list of things that are creepy, but everyone has their own things that they're creeped out by or afraid of. Hopefully, I will hardly ever encounter these things-I don't know for sure if I'd stand there frozen with fear, or run faster than I've ever run before. Please nobody try to put any of these near me to find out. Because chances are, I'll fight my way out.


Chelle! said...

Oh my, I thought that I had your Christmas present bought--a HUGE collection of Cherub dolls or figurines...or whatever they are called!

Maleen said...

I agree with some of those. I know there are things that creep me out but I have never thought of making a list.
But now I will have to really try and restrain myself from saying "Make Love" around you.