Monday, October 6, 2008

The ABC's of Me

Ok, Michelle sorta tagged me. None of this information is new to any of you, but these are fun to do anyways.

The ABC's of Me!
A. ATTACHED OR SINGLE? Single, but with prospects. I went on two dates last weekend! They’ll actually not amount to anything, but at least I’m out.
B. BEST FRIEND? PJ for sure. Even though we haven’t seen in other in forever.
C. CAKE OR PIE? It depends on the day, but usually cakedy cake. Yellow especially.
D. DAY OF THE WEEK? I love Saturdays-there’s always something fun going on.
E. ESSENTIAL ITEMS? TiVo, chapstick, Troop. I’m sure there are more important things, but I treasure those the most.
F. FAVORITE COLOR? Gray, of course!
G. GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Worms because they’re so long.
H. HOMETOWN? Orem, baby!
J. JANUARY OR JULY? July-because I think it’s against nature to be as cold as it is in January.
K. KIDS? None-and I hope it stays that way forever.
M. MARRIAGE DATE? The Eleventeeth of Febtober.
N. NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? 4 Brothers, 2 Sisters, And the parrot-I’m pretty sure dad thinks its one of his kids.
O. ORANGES OR APPLES? Apples. Oranges take too much work to eat-apples, you just wash and bite. I totally want an apple right now.
P. PHOBIAS OR FEARS? Accidentally ingesting dishwashing soap, cats, peoples of a certain race. (If you know me, you know which race this is…)
Q. QUOTE? I think frosting makes me lie.
R. REASONS TO SMILE? Soccer, movies, good food, TV shows. So much to smile about!
T. TAG 5 PEOPLE? If you want to do this, more power to you. I’m not gonna make anyone do anything they don’t want to do.
U. UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I get embarrassed/self conscious when I have to run in front of or with other people.
V. VEGETABLES? Vegetables are so delicious! I am craving them so much lately.
W. WORST HABIT? The swears.
X. X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? Let’s see…I don’t really think I have a preference here. I”ve had them both and enjoy them equally.
Y. YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? I have so many for this category. Nachos, pizza, steak, rice. Naming them all would take up pages.
Z. ZODIAC SIGN? Virgo-which is pretty obvious.


Chelle! said...

How can frosting make you lie? Lie about what? are so funny about that. One day I tried to count how many times you applied it throughout the day. I lost count!

Maleen said...

Okay, the way you held Daisy the other night screams that you would be a good mother. And give it a think; I couldn't stand kids before I got married, but I kinda like my own.

The Curtis Family said...

Well hello there love! Your super creepy and i love it! hahaha.... no its cool, i found you on facebook, and now you found me, so we can be super creepy together!