Monday, October 13, 2008

It's a hazy shade of winter

I love all the seasons. For a short period of time, at least, during every season, I love it. I love spring and fall because the weather is perfect. It's not too hot, it's not too cold, it's just lovely. I love summer because its so hot, and there are so many great activities to do. Swimming, running, hiking, the list is endless. Winter is usually good too. I'm always ready for the weather to be cold, at least for a little bit, and I do like the snow. It's so pretty, and makes everything seem new and fresh.
I am so hating the cold right now though! I wasn't ready for this! I want it to still be warm! Today is actually when it hit me the most. For a few days now, things have been chilly, but manageable. For instance, at the Real game the other night, it was cold. But I combated that by wearing two jackets, a scarf, some gloves, and I had a blanket. I was ready for it, and I expected it, so it wasn't too bad.
This morning, the cold hit me like a ton of bricks. When I left my house this morning, I had on a warm-ish shirt and a jacket, I thought I'd be fine at work. I was cold for a bit, until the car heated up, but then I was good. Unfortunately, work was so cold! I couldn't figure it out-I wasn't heating up, and my hands were starting to stiffen from the cold. It wasn't until I'd been there for an hour, freezing all the while, that someone figured out the heat wasn't even on in our part of the building-the air had been on. I could not warm up all day! Not until the end of the day did I start to feel like it wasn't super cold. But then when I walked outside to go home, the cold came at me again, I wasn't expecting it to be that cold outside, for some dumb reason.
I know it's dumb to complain about the cold, especially when you live in freezing Utah, but I always hate it when I'm not expecting it. It dropped so suddenly, from being good weather to freezing. Know this-I will be wearing far more layers tomorrow. And I'm even thinking about wearing shoes other than my flip flops.


Maleen said...

I agree. We have not had enough fall weather yet. It is too COLD! Stupid Utah.

Chelle! said...

Haven't you got use to the heating system at work--we freeze in the summer and we freeze in the winter. I think we need to invest in some heaters for under our desks--oh and refrigerators, too!!