Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I can see why running next to me would be embarrassing for you.

With the arrival of this somewhat lovely weather, comes the ability to run outside without freezing my buns off. I love to run outside-the fresh air, the scenery changing within seconds, all you have to do is keep going and you'll pass everything. As I'm running right now, its not very quickly, as my legs are slowly recovering. I didn't take a good enough recover time from the race, nor do I stretch after running (I know, I know, I need to. PJ lectures me on this all the time. I'm trying to get into the habit.) so I'm like, slowly making my way through my running.
As I'm running at my slow pace, I can't help but wonder if it looks like I'm going really slow to the people who drive by me. Any time I see someone running as I'm driving, I always wonder three things. One, I wonder why they're running. Is it vanity, do they want to just lose weight? I mean, yes, about sixty percent of the reason I run is such a thing, but I wonder if its theirs too. Are they training for something, a marathon? Or are they running because the person of their affection is a fitness buff, and they were like, 'oh, me too!' and now have to make good on their lies? Two, I wonder how long they've been running. I see them running, and usually I judge them on their pacing. Are they going quickly, or slowly? If they're going slowly, I wonder, is it because they've been going for like, ten miles, and they're starting to wind down? Are they just starting out and they're just slow? Not that it matters-running is running, no matter how you slice it. And if they're going fast, I'm usually impressed. I'm no Speedy Gonzalez, so I say good to you to the people who are. And third...I wonder if I could beat them in a foot race. I mean, I'm not fantastic at running long distances, but I'm a hell of a sprinter. I feel like I could beat a whole lot of people, given the chance. And yes, this is a challenge to anyone reading this who wants to run. Except maybe Justin-I feel like he could beat me into the ground.
But anyway, I think I'll spend the next few days nursing my injuries. Its a good thing all this stuff happened after the race-and not before. Though, if they had, I'd still be limping toward the finish line!
*Authors note-I apologize once again for having a post about running. It's all I got right now.


PJ said...

I always want to hop out of the car and run beside them for a little while. That's how I think I could gauge if they were faster than me or not.

Chelle! said...

I think that you could take Justin down in running, but biking--really no one has a chance. I love to see people run--I know their stride. When I was in High School, I loved to watch this guy run. In fact, I knew when he would start his run at the track. I would finish early enough so, that I would be stretching when he started. His stride was amazing!!!

Maleen said...

I am pretty darn sure you could beat me in a footrace right now, but give me a year, and we'll see...
As for lasertag, keep dreaming.

Alicia Hawks said...

heh... running... you guys rock. (I'm posting this because I promised to leave a comment on every single one)