Thursday, April 10, 2008

Whoa-am I sleep shopping?

Last night I got to do one of my favorite things-organize. In this case, it was my DVD’s. I got a new storage case recently. Since I have way too many, and keep buying them, my DVD’s are constantly outgrowing their cases, I always need more space for them. With the new case, I decided to once again separate my TV series from the regular movies. I had had these like this once before, but when I ran out of space, they sadly had to be moved all together. It just irritated me to have them together-I like them separated, but I’m not really sure why.
So after I had moved furniture around to accommodate the new storage piece, I was ready to go. I removed the TV shows from the shelves, and then combined the remaining DVD’s into the storage. As I was combining the movies, I noticed there are a few movies that I have no recollection of buying. I remember seeing them in the theater, and I don’t even really remember liking them that much, but now all of a sudden I own them! And there are so many movies that I have that I don’t even really like. I used to work at Media Play (before they folded, of course) and got a pretty decent discount, so even if I only sorta liked a movie, I would buy it, because my thinking was always, “whatev, this movie is only 7 bucks, that’s a good price”. But now that I have them, I don’t even really want to watch them. And I have lots of movies that I loved as a kid, but I know I look at them and think, wow, I barely even like this anymore. But at the time, it seemed like a good movie to buy. I have become more selective in my process of buying movies-I don’t buy nearly as much as I used to, and I really have to think about if I’ll actually watch it when I buy the movie. I really should have instigated this strict policy years ago, but oh well. At least if I ever get the craving to watch one of these movies, I’ll have it nearby.


Chelle! said...

Maybe you should have a yard sale via the blog. I have a friend that is constantly having a yard sale on her blog with scrapbooking items. Anyway...just an idea!!!

PJ said...

Do you ever think about selling all your movies you don't like? I do. But then I remember that at Media Play we'd pay like $1.50 for movies and the hassle seems to outweight the benefits. I wish I didn't own about half the movies I bought in the pre-discretion days. I just watch the same 15 over and over again.

Maleen said...

Oh, and if you have extra storage cases of whatever, I would love to buy some from you. I have no room for all the movies my parents just brought from WA.