Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Trust me-its not real.

I watch a lot of TV. I have many shows I watch, some I absolutely have to (hello, Heroes) and some I have lukewarm feelings about. (sorry, Smallville) I have an addiction, nay, an obsession with watching. But before anyone calls me a couch potato, please realize-I watch the bulk of these while I work out. While I’m running on the treadmill, I watch my Tivo’d shows (thus, cutting out commercials!) and it works out quite well. I see my shows, and feel like I’m active. Every year, I pick up new shows to add to my already long list of stuff I watch. I rarely stop watching a show, unless it gets really bad. I always hang on, in the hopes that it could get better, I could love it again.
The thing I hate about television, however, is reality TV. I think it is awful, and I don’t understand why you would go onto a program and show everyone how annoying and awful you are. Does one really think they’ll find true love on TV with 20 other women competing for the same guy? You can’t build a relationship on that! And why would you want to go live with 15 (or so) strangers in a strange house? I don’t understand the appeal of it, and I think the amount of stuff we now have is ridiculous. My Dad is Better than Your Dad? Holy crap is that dumb. And who are the network people that are okaying these productions? Who hears the premise of these shows and goes, ‘Jackpot’? I understand we have billions of people who watch some of this stuff (Dancing with the Stars? Would we consider any of those people stars?) but I wish we would get more intelligent, good stuff on the air.
That being said, I must admit, I am a little bit of a hypocrite in this respect. I do like a reality show-even though it is ridiculous. I love The Hills. I have to tune in every week to see what’ll happen. I got hooked onto Laguna Beach from an old friend, and it just grew into watching the spin-off. For those of you who don’t know the premise, we’re following the life and times of Lauren “LC” Conrad as she works her way up the LA fashion scene. Or something, I’m actually not sure what she’s trying to accomplish. I have to tune in every week to see how annoying she’ll be (she is really kind of annoying) and how dumb Heidi will be, how she’ll use Whitney, and how stupid Spencer will be. And even though they tout this as a “reality show” everything is so obviously staged. Which is ok with me, I still like to watch it. It is completely ridiculous and very stupid-I’ll agree with everyone on that-but I have to see what happens each week!
So whether or not you like reality TV, fear not. We all have a dirty little secret, and I promise I’ll keep yours. I might laugh at your choice of shows, but I give you full permission to laugh at mine also. But at least I know my choices are ridiculous-do you?


Maleen said...

I still like American Idol. Other than that, I can't waste my time watching reality shows. But Bones is coming back on next week. Now there is something to get excited about.

PJ said...

Reality TV is lame. I think that's why you like The Hills. That show, and the all the people in it, are so obviously not real.

Give me a scripted show any day. I'll watch anything you throw at me. But then about halfway through the run of the show I'll get frustrated and give up on it. I don't think I've ever stuck faithfully by a show from beginning to end. How sad is that?