Thursday, June 30, 2016

Darth and Gecko

You guys, these guys are too cute, I miss their tiny faces.
 Look at these two guys hugging and being so happy.
 This little guy is just so chubs.
Look how grown up he is! Oh man, what a small adult.

Monday, June 27, 2016

'Murica Toes

Today, I got a pedicure. My toenail was smashed a few weeks ago, and finally has grown to where it can be touched without pain, and the rest are so long and grody, I decided it was time to make them look acceptable. I had school this morning, that's right, today was the beginning of my summer semester. I don't know how I feel about the classes yet, and we'll see how these go! But when I got to the toe place, I really wanted something fun and patriotic, and boy did he deliver.
An American flag! I just love it so, and I can't wait to celebrate the 4th with these toes.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cupcakes, cupcakes, and more cupcakes.

So, today was the wedding. After getting home around 1:00 last night and having a shower before climbing into bed, I woke at 6:00 this morning to start the frosting. True to her word, my sister in law did make the cupcakes, and she did a great job on them! I just had to frost and decorate these beauties. I made three kinds, vanilla + vanilla, chocolate + chocolate, and lemon + lemon. I made 120 of each. and it took about 6ish hours to decorate them. For the vanilla, I wanted to use decorating pearls on top, but I couldn't find any, so these sadly went bare. Here is how many that is:
And now here are closeups of the cupcakes, in an arty sort of fashion. For decorations, I used small lemon slices on the lemons, and then chocolate dipped cookie bars (bought in the store, not hand-made) on the chocolates.

The lemons, I was nervous for, because I have never done a lemon frosting, but oh my gosh, they were so good! I was really proud of these cupcakes, and so happy I got them done in time!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Camp is Over

Well friends, camp is over, and thank goodness. It was actually really great this year, much much better than last year, but on the last day of camp, the girls had some drama. It wasn't anything major, I think that just after that many days of no sleep, spending 24 hours a day with each other, girls get tired, hormonal, and angry and decide that fights are the way to go. I'm just glad that it wasn't too big a deal and that they'll most likely get over it. Here's a good few pics.
 Here's my ward. after we all got up to camp safely, and before anyone looks too gross and campy.
 I had this incredibly sweet hat that everyone made fun of. But you know who didn't get any kind of sunburn on my face, neck, or scalp? Me. And as a few of the girls tried it on, they had to admit it was super comfortable. Suckers.
Here we are after water front. Some girls are mad that they're wet, and 3 of my girls "fell" into the water. Fun times all around.
I'm glad the week is over, but honestly, I did really enjoy this year, it was really fantastic. I can't decide yet if I'll go next year or not, but this was a push in the right direction.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Darth and Gecko

Ok even though I got these while at camp, I was so happy to have babies to look at when I got down off the mountain. Let's proceed.
 Same, buddy. Same.
 What is this face?! I don't even know.
Come on, this little grin?! I love him so hard.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Fancy Letter.

So today at girls camp, I realized, I had forgotten to buy cream cheese for my frosting for the wedding on Saturday. Because we had a leader that was going back to her own house tonight, I asked if she would deliver a letter to Husband, asking him to buy me some cream cheese. Of course, because we had been singing Hamilton all week, the girls and I decided it would be funny if my entire letter was Hamilton quotes. Which it was, leading to the last line, asking for cream cheese. 
We were all dying laughing as I wrote it, imagining his reaction as he read it. When I finally talked to him about it later, he said "I opened it up as Sis B was here, and I literally just said out loud, this whole thing is just Hamilton quotes" and that made me laugh so much harder. I'm definitely keeping this forever. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

Tomorrow is camp. I've been waiting all summer for this, mostly out of dread. Last year was so crappy, I just don't want a repeat of that. I spent the weekend preparing for this, and then today, I shopped for last minute items, packed, and just prayed that it went well. Let's all cross our fingers that it goes well and I have a fun week!

Last Thursday was my last day of being a nanny, and while I'll be relieved that I won't have to make sure to keep Horace and Lady Margo alive while under my watch, I will miss their tiny faces and incredibly weird jokes. I think we'll have to have little visits for the rest of the summer, have a small hang out session to relive the good times.

This weekend, I have a wedding I'm catering the cupcakes for. I know what you're thinking. 'Vieve, you have camp until Saturday, what do?' and the answer is simple. I'll be having my sister-in-law make the cupcakes for me, and then I'll come home late Friday night, rise early Saturday, and make them. I'm also basically praying that this goes well too. There's so much dang stuff that's going on this week, I almost can't handle it!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Darth and Gecko

OH EM GEEEE the babies are in full force of cute this week!
 Darth always does this eyebrow raise in pictures, it's amazing.
 Olli is ready, Atti is not.
Brother snuggles.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Zoo day!

Today we had a big field trip day and went to the zoo. After a harrowing ordeal of trying to find a parking spot (Honestly, they need a bigger lot!) we finally got inside. Our first order of business was to ride the train, to see a view of everything.
 We found the giant elephant that sprays a bit of water on you - very nice, since it was so blasted hot outside.
 Of course we got our pictures taken with the otters!

Poor Lady Margo was so worn out by the end of the day, she fell asleep in the car. Luckily Horace was my backup, and snapped this picture as I was driving. All in all, it was a really fun day, and I would totally do this again - I love seeing all those animals!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Color Me Mine

This afternoon, Horace went with his friends hiking, so Lady Margo and I had the afternoon to ourselves. After playing at the playground for a while, we went to Color Me Mine, in Provo. For those who haven't been there (It was my first time) you choose something that you want to paint, paint it, leave it for them to put in their kiln, and then return to pick up your wares. Lady Margo was an old pro at this, luckily she led the way. We selected our items, and then got hard at work.
We worked hard all afternoon, and at the end, took a picture of our amazing projects.
We left them to be cooked, and then I picked them up a few days later. Mine turned out pretty good!
I didn't snag a pic of Lady Margo's, but still, good. We had so much fun, and I would definitely do this again.

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Fancy Tea Party

When I arrived for more nannying this morning, Lady Margo handed me a hand-written invitation to a tea party, to be held later that afternoon. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of the invite. But after she got out of camp, she worked tirelessly all afternoon to make it delicious for us. Our plates were full of treats.
We have here raspberry pinwheel sandwiches, grape and banana kebabs, and delicious cherry drink. She prepared quite the feast, which we enjoyed by clinking glasses and holding our pinkies aloft as we drank.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Foto Friday

I went to buy pectin, to make some more delicious strawberry jam, and this is what occurred when I got my receipt:
The world's longest receipt for buying only one item - pectin. At least the jam turned out delicious.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Darth and Gecko

Here are some great ones this week, guys. Let's take a look.
 This is the greatest tiny sleazy face of a baby.
His default picture face is a giant mouth-wide smile. I love it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Oldie but goodie

This morning, I got a text from my sister, and was rewarded with this treat:
I have no recollection of taking this photo, and I don't even know what age we are, or what year this is. But here's what we looked at as smaller people. What a glorious photo.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

The children and I have been so busy on our travels. Last Wednesday we went hiking, we did Stewart Falls. It was hot, and long, but honestly so rewarding when we got to the top! The hike back down felt like it took forever, but afterwards, we celebrated with ice cream cones at Baskin Robbins. Horace and Lady Margo were exhausted, so after that, we played a rousing game of Monopoly, in which nobody won, as happens with every dang game of Monopoly ever.

On Friday, we had a baking day. The kids wanted to learn how to bake, so I did my best to teach them. It took a while to decided what to make, and finally they decided on cupcakes. Then, we had to decide on the flavor, oh man that also took a while. We then decided on Kit Kat cupcakes, and after a walk to Target, we returned with what supplies were needed. The cupcakes were of course super delicious, and I was pleased with the results! They were fantastic little helpers.

If anyone here is familiar with Snapchat, you know that the daily filters are a fun thing to look at every day. Lady Margo was so excited to see what the new filters were each day, and Horace also joined her excitement. I leave you with a few of their favorites.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

I win!

Today was the Springville City 5K, my favorite race of the year. I have been training this year, trying to improve my times, and so when it was time for the race, I was nervous and excited. I lined up with everyone else, and then took off. I kept a pretty good pace, feeling all right about it. During the race, at about mile 2, I was close (ok, too close) behind a small girl. She all of a sudden stopped, and I had nowhere to go, so I just put my hands on her side while saying "no no no no no" and then sort of unceremoniously dumped her to the side of the road. It's not my fault! I had nowhere to go! She stopped with no notice! But I finished the race, and shortly after that, I got a text from the race, saying I had won third place in my age group! I was so surprised!
So when I got my swank medal, I was pretty jazzed. Of course, I won nothing in the raffle, but I've come to expect that. And now I look forward to my next race!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Weekly Gecko

Naturally, more Gecko pictures than Darth, so here we go.
 He's finally beginning to smile, what a day to be alive.
Looks a little like he's doing a kind of dance here, ole!