Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cupcakes, cupcakes, and more cupcakes.

So, today was the wedding. After getting home around 1:00 last night and having a shower before climbing into bed, I woke at 6:00 this morning to start the frosting. True to her word, my sister in law did make the cupcakes, and she did a great job on them! I just had to frost and decorate these beauties. I made three kinds, vanilla + vanilla, chocolate + chocolate, and lemon + lemon. I made 120 of each. and it took about 6ish hours to decorate them. For the vanilla, I wanted to use decorating pearls on top, but I couldn't find any, so these sadly went bare. Here is how many that is:
And now here are closeups of the cupcakes, in an arty sort of fashion. For decorations, I used small lemon slices on the lemons, and then chocolate dipped cookie bars (bought in the store, not hand-made) on the chocolates.

The lemons, I was nervous for, because I have never done a lemon frosting, but oh my gosh, they were so good! I was really proud of these cupcakes, and so happy I got them done in time!

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