Monday, June 6, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

The children and I have been so busy on our travels. Last Wednesday we went hiking, we did Stewart Falls. It was hot, and long, but honestly so rewarding when we got to the top! The hike back down felt like it took forever, but afterwards, we celebrated with ice cream cones at Baskin Robbins. Horace and Lady Margo were exhausted, so after that, we played a rousing game of Monopoly, in which nobody won, as happens with every dang game of Monopoly ever.

On Friday, we had a baking day. The kids wanted to learn how to bake, so I did my best to teach them. It took a while to decided what to make, and finally they decided on cupcakes. Then, we had to decide on the flavor, oh man that also took a while. We then decided on Kit Kat cupcakes, and after a walk to Target, we returned with what supplies were needed. The cupcakes were of course super delicious, and I was pleased with the results! They were fantastic little helpers.

If anyone here is familiar with Snapchat, you know that the daily filters are a fun thing to look at every day. Lady Margo was so excited to see what the new filters were each day, and Horace also joined her excitement. I leave you with a few of their favorites.

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