Thursday, October 16, 2014

Canadian Thanksgiving

It was Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday, but sadly, we couldn’t celebrate this fine holiday until today. Husband and I actually hosted it at our house, our first time hosting a Thanksgiving celebration, no matter the country. We spent all day cooking, and figured out that we had used every single dish in our house. Honestly, by the end of everything, we had to run the dishwasher 4 times to wash everything! I made homemade stuffing (my dads recipe) for the first time, and it turned out awesome! I was so proud of myself. We had all of Husband’s family over, and the delight was E-Money, looking super adorable for the occasion


I made a tasty dessert, a layered pumpkin pie in a jar, and I added just the right amount of whipped cream to mine.


That was good, and if you’d like to make, it, I’m doing this lazy and just going to post the blog here where I found it. It was a fun night, and I always love to eat Thanksgiving food until I’ve eaten so much that I hate myself. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

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