Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Bath for Dogs

We were hanging out around here, just chilling, and Cadence came up to me, and I was petting her a little, and I realized “this dog is smelly”. I don’t know what she smelled like, necessarily, but she just smelled bad, so I told my sister she should give her a bath. We decided to use the giant bath tub in my house to give them a bath, then maybe the little jokers could swim around. We filled up the tub with water, and then got the dogs.

We washed them, of course, with some baby shampoo:


And then when we were done, we wrapped them in some towels, and surprisingly, they didn’t struggle against the towels or anything, they just let themselves be dried off.


After we let them shake themselves off outside, they were basically dry. The good thing about having small dogs that don’t have any hair is that they dry off basically instantaneously.

So now, they smell nice, and I don’t mind having them around. And if she starts to smell again (Cookie never does, as I get her professionally cleaned pretty often) then we’ll just toss them into the tub again.

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