Monday, December 22, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

Not really! Holy crap what is up with all this snow?! Just a few weeks ago, I remember commenting on how it was unseasonably warm for this time of year. Then all of a sudden, bam! We were hit, like a snowball, unexpectedly, like with a punch in the face, the way a real snowball hits. Today's snow fall was the worst-coming out from work, there was so much freaking snow on my car! Getting it all off was fun, dancing around it, and dodging snowballs from a co-worker was just another adventure.
With all the craziness of today, I thought of several things I'm thankful for, so I'm sharing it with everyone.

I'm thankful for the UPS guy who kept making his rounds, delivering my packages to me at 8 o'clock at night, in the gross weather and traffic.

I'm thankful for my dad getting me new windshield wipers, so I could deal with all this snow properly.

I'm thankful for mama, shoveling off the driveway so's I could drive my car in and out of there without getting stuck.

I'm thankful that my car has a heater, and I can travel in warmth.

I know there's loads more things to be grateful for, but these are the things that are in the front of my brain. I know the weather sucks, but you can find all sorts of things to be glad for. Give it a try!


Maleen said...

No kidding, and Happy Anniversary to me! We really are celebrating in June next year!

Chelle! said...

I love the snow...but, I don't like all the things that come along with it. I really don't like being cold nor wet. But, isn't incredible to watch the snow flurries outside our office window?