Sunday, December 21, 2008

That's what it says in the script...

With this fabulous season of Christmas, one of my favorite things happens. I'm not talking about the presents, or the food, I'm talking about the awesome movies that are on Lifetime this time of the year. The Christmas movies are my favorite. And every year, I Tivo the heck out of them. There are some days I'm recording 4 or 5 movies. Some of them will get deleted withut watching, I just got a little over-zealous when recording, but for the most part, I'll watch them. It helps that there's nothing else on TV right now, so I can focus my attention on the movies.
I think my favorite thing about watching these is that they're all the same. They start with a sweeping camera view of all things Christmas; decorations, lights, snow, presents, with a song playing in the background, usually a classic holiday song. Then we get a view of our protagonist, and male or female, we know already they will have a love interest (whether it be someone they haven't met yet, or the spouse they have, and will rekindle their flame). You already know, there will be loads of fighting if it's a movie about a family, and if it's a romantic movie, the two leads will fight and bicker, but then come together at the end, of course! They're all predictable movies, but I love them all.
I've also deduced from these movies that should I meet someone during the holiday season with the name Nick or Chris, he's most likely Santa Claus himself, and I should marry that guy as soon as possible. Plus, if any thing happens that's bad, say a fight, or anything, I know that everything will work out for the better, and we'll all be better people after it.
If anyone has the time, and the channels, I am telling you to watch any Christmas movie you can. They're so fun, and they are totally getting me in the Christmas spirit. And it's giving me tips to help with any scenario you could come up with-good since Christmas is just days away!


Maleen said...

Dang, I married someone in the Christmas season, but his name wasn't Chris or Nick. And it turns out that I am Santa, not him. Blat!

Chelle! said...

Oh, I love the Christmas movies and everything that comes with them!!!