Thursday, September 11, 2008

What was I thinking?

With the addition of my brother to my house, there are definitely more things around. And I’m trying not to be all anal-retentive about it, but it’s hard. I have to bite my tongue whenever I go into his room (my office) and I try to understand that he needs the space too, especially in the bathroom. Since there’s more than one person using the bathroom, it tends to get dirty quicker. I don’t always have the time to clean it, so yesterday, I asked him to clean it while I was at work. This was a mistake.
He didn’t get it cleaned while I was at work, he was out doing…ok, I actually don’t know what he was doing, but he wasn’t home. When I got home, he had actually gotten home a few minutes before me. He assured me, however, that he would be cleaning it post haste. I relaxed, and started watching my Ellen. Every few minutes, he would shout something from the bathroom, be it to make fun of me for all the hair stuff I have in there, or a question about the cleaning stuff. I had told him where all the cleaning supplies were, but of course, he couldn’t find it until I came in there to show him where it was. And he kept shouting questions to me, and after about 20 minutes of this, I was ready to kill him! But he seemed to be doing a good job, so I just left him to do his thing. After he finished, he called me in to look at it, to show me what a good job he did, and he did do one. It was looking pretty good in there. He left, and I stayed in there, to do my usual making-sure-everything-is-in-the-same-place-I-left-it thing. Holy crap, he didn’t leave anything in the right places! The hair products were askew, and he had changed up where everything in the shower was. I had to put everything back where it was.
I know it’s my fault for being crazy, and for asking him to do it, but oh man. I opened the cupboard, and everything down there was in disarray. The towels were not where they go, it was like he just shoved everything back in there when he got finished. I know I should be grateful that he even cleaned it in the first place, and I am. It’s better than me just cleaning it all alone.


Chelle! said...

It is nice to have someone do the cleaning for you, but sometimes it is best to just do it yourself. Then everything would be in its proper place and order.

Maleen said...

That is nice of you to share your space. Once you get used to something one way, it is hard to change it. Kudos to you for even trying.