Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's here, it's time!

Fall is my favorite time of the year. The weather is lovely, jackets are all the rage, and the holidays are the best. It's sad that there's no soccer, but EPL kicks in, so I watch those to pacify my need for the sport. The best thing of all though, is a food, found at the Olive Garden. I don't know how many of you knows of the deliciousness of the pumpkin cheesecake, but if you have never had it, I am telling you to go right now. Stop reading, get in your car, and order a slice. It is delicious.
We went to the Olive Garden on Friday night, and you can imagine my surprise when I saw that they already had the pumpkin cheesecake. I was totally psyched though, and of course, ordered it. I wait all year for this. They only serve it from the end of September to December, so you have to get in during this time to get it. I've had the pumpkin cheesecake at many places, but nobody does it quite as well as the Olive Garden does. I don't know what it is about it from there, but its so good. I'm hoping to get back to the Garden at least a couple more times before the end of the year, to take advantage of the deliciousness of it. I do get sick of that place sometimes, so maybe I'll have to go there, grab some cheesecake and leave.
I can't believe I just did a blog about a dessert, but there ya have it. It is that good, though. I am telling you all that you need to get to the Olive Garden in the next little while, to get a piece of this. Just look at that picture - I can tell you're salivating already!


Chelle! said...

Oh, I have never tasted it, but it looks so scrumptious!!!

Maleen said...

I actually make a pretty good pumpkin cheesecake myself, although I am sure it does not compare to Olive Garden. Maybe I will have to bring one to the office sometime this season.