Sunday, September 7, 2008

Casa de Vieve-a fabulous place to stay!

Things have been a little crazy here at Casa de Vieve. We've had some family from Germany come into town, and we've been entertaining them while they were here. They spoke some English, my cousin really spoke the most of it, so she translated a lot. I never realized, until now, how hard it is to explain what some words mean. There are a lot of English words that don't translate, and I kept having to explain these words. Its so difficult for me to explain what words mean without using the word in the explanation. Like, to explain blow up, I was like, oh, like, explode. But then she didn't know what explode meant, so I used an action, I made the blow up sound with my mouth, while using my hands. (See if you can picture that!) Other words weren't as good, and thank goodness my brother was here-he was actually really good at explaining everything. My mind just went blank trying to think of alternate words!
There are a lot of things that we have here in America that we take for granted. I do it too, and there are many things that I just expect us to have here that my family was blown away by. Being able to buy pineapple cut into chunks is just something we expect here, and they couldn't believe it. Also being able to buy pre-shredded cheese was something they just didn't imagine. It was crazy for them that we had that convenience. They also couldn't believe the size of our grocery stores. I actually am with them on this-I can't believe how much food is in a store, and all the varieties and everything. But to me, it's commonplace. I'm used to it-they're everywhere. I just never think about how it looks to other people that aren't from here. I forget that not every country is like ours, no matter how much I hear (and see) that our country is very different.
It was a great few days with them, and I'm glad I finally got to meet them. I learned some German, only basic stuff really. I learned how to count to ten, to say cheese and mushroom. I'm sure there are other things I learned, but I only remember those. I'm glad to have all of the space back-fitting another family into the house for a few days got a little full. Now everyone is back in their rooms, with all the space they require. And if you know me, you know thats all I want-my designated space!


Maleen said...

Will you do the explode sound for me sometime. Tyler says I can't do one very well. He really makes fun of my gun noise.

Chelle! said...

YEA!! I am glad you had a great time with your family from Switzerland. But, I am glad that you get your space back.