Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is this a real holiday?

As I was watching the Emmy's last Sunday, they kept hyping that it was "National Stay-At-Home Week". I wondered why they would even have such a week. Was it because nobody can afford to go anywhere right now? Was there something going on that I didn't know about? But then, it dawned on me. Last week started the new seasons of everything on TV. They want you to stay at home, they want you to watch all of their shows, and not go anywhere. For the most part, their ploys are working.
I have survived the first week of TV shows being back on. I have signed on to too many shows this year. I'm not sure I want to give out the exact numbers, because I don't want to be too harshly judged, but it's a lot. If you can think of a show that's on right now, chances are, I'm probably watching it. But because there is so much to watch, I end up starting Monday shows, not having enough time, so then I have to finish those shows on Tuesday, which pushes those shows back, and so on and so forth. I know what you're thinking, because people keep saying it to me. Why don't I just stop watching so many shows? Here's why: mostly everything I watch, I've been watching for a long time. I've invested my time and attention into these shows, and I'll be darned if I stop watching now. I gotta find out what's happening to my characters and the plot lines, however ridiculous they might be. And I know that people nowadays don't have the time for TV, but I do. I make the time to watch my shows. Someone said to me the other day that if I stopped watching all these shows, I would have time to do what I want. But the thing is, this is what I want. I don't know what else I'd do!
I realize, now, that admitting all this is maybe a bad thing. I do have a TV problem, and everyone who reads this does know that, so its not horrible, but still. I'm sure someday, when I have other things going on, I'll not watch as much as I do know. But as it stands, I'm ok with my addiction. I'll cling to it, at least until winter, when I get a break. Until then, I'll sleep with the knowledge that my Tivo is always filling up.


Maleen said...

I totally don't judge you. I secretly wish that I had time to watch a dozen shows. I'll just have to settle for watching them when my mother buys me a season of Bones or House. In the meantime, watch on. Someone should.
And your comment about cooking shows is SO true. If everything came pre-chopped in nice little bowls, I would cook faster too.

Chelle! said...

How many hours of TV do you watch again? HEE HEE If it is National Stay at Home Week--why were we at work?