Monday, August 4, 2008

Now I understand that Miss Muffet

As I was getting ready to run today and pulling on my shoes, my shoe felt weird on my toes. I took it off to investigate. I saw nothing wrong with the shoe, so I put it back on. This time, the back of my shoe felt awkward, so I pulled it off again. As I did this time, a spider the size of a Buick came out my shoe. I screamed like a little girl, and made someone come pick it up and get rid of it for me. Yes, I'm that much of a sissy. I have been thoroughly traumatized by this experience.


Chelle! said...

OH NO!!! NOT A SPIDER!! I, too, would have screamed--loudly might I add.

Maleen said...

If the spider was in my shoe and I had stuck my foot in there multiple times, I don't think I would have screamed...more like passed out! I'm amazed you are still here to tell the tale.

julie said...

Too scary, this is what nightmares are made of> I am sure a new inspection of the shoe will now take place.

Unknown said...

Let's get a few things straight. The spider was NOT the size of a Buick. I'm sure that I saw that spider burned with napalm in the 1955 classic "Tarantula". I was of the opinion that we'd need a fork lift to pick up the carcass. Gads. That thing could've eaten the shoe with a single bite.
Next time I go down there, I'll at least have my trusty .45 with me.