Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You can always go home...and steal it from others

Most people are comfortable with a schedule that they have. They come home at the same time, they do the same things, they have a routine. I definitely have that. I know that every morning, I will do the same thing when I shower (hair, then body wash, then any necessary shaving, in case you were interested) I have an order in which I put on my makeup, and eat, and dress, and everything. After work, I come home, chill for a few, then run. And to sleep, I wash my face, then brush my teeth, and then I'm done. Some people would call this a rut. I call it comfortable. I like knowing how things will get done, and this way, I know I won't miss anything. I'm glad I live (relatively) alone, so nobody messes this up for me.
Recently, one of my older brothers has come back home for a little while. I don't know how long he'll be staying, but when I heard he was coming here, I was excited. I rarely get to see him, and when I do, it's for a short while. He has been in the Marines for a few years, so of course, that takes him to far away places. Now that he's out, there's more face time. When he first got here, of course, I put down some ground rules of things. I may be glad to see him, but I'm not dumb. I know that if I don't establish some order, things will get out of control. It wasn't a whole lot of rules, just some things that I think are common sense, but are probably not what others think of.
My rules are sorta being followed, but others are cropping up. And I'm trying not to be crazy, and make it so that he has no space or anything, but its kinda driving me crazy. I have specific places for everything in the bathroom, and he is not following my rules! I'm trying to be loose about this, to not seem like a psycho, but its hard.
Also, I am losing most of my hard earned freedom. I outlasted all of my siblings to have things my way. (I know, I could just move out like the rest of them, but who can afford that?) I have my beloved Tivo and everything is done according to my time. I now no longer have the remote to myself. I know, you're thinking, I should just take it back, but that won't happen. He's a pretty big guy, and I've tried to wrestle things from him before. Last time this happened (on Monday, actually) he threw me over the couch, pro-wrestling style. I'm glad I don't bruise that easily, or else I'd just be a giant bruise. I'm getting smarter about things. I've either stopped trying to take things, or I'm quick about vaulting over things to get to a room that locks from the inside.
I'm sure all of this is a good thing. It's training me how to live with others, so that I won't become a hermit/recluse. Someday, I'll look back on this and laugh, but for now, does anyone know any sleeper holds they can quickly teach me?


Chelle! said...

You have lived a pretty comfy life--it is hilarious to hear that you are having adjust your "COMFY" life. Good luck with conquering your big brother.

PJ said...

The best way to show him you mean business is to get him in his sleep.