Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Way to go, Idaho!

I have returned safely from my travels abroad. And by abroad, I mean, to another state. A great state-the state of Idaho. More specifically, PJ and I went to Boise. Many people are hating on Boise, which I can’t quite figure out. It’s a cute city-pretty much exactly like the one we live in. But we wanted to go north, since every time we take a vacay we go south, and Idaho was our choice. After much deliberation, we decided Boise was our destination.
Saturday, (as most people know) was my birthday, so it was my one day out of the year where things get to go my way. *wink* I took full advantage of this, and made PJ go to the zoo. She’s not a fan of the zoo, and I think they’re kinda fun. I had heard from all sorts of people that the Boise zoo was a good one, and I was looking forward to going. I don’t remember who told me this one was good, but whoever they are should be punched in the face. I think I even remember that the Boise city website said it was a good one. What liars everyone turned out to be. That zoo is tiny-and there are no animals to speak of. We saw a few animals, but our favorite ones were in the exhibits that were closed-they closed the entire African section. Seeing every animal in there took 23 minutes-I know, because I timed it. It was sad. Then we walked through this awesome rose garden near there-there were so many different kinds of flowers and everything there smelled so great. I found myself a new favorite flower there, too-the Dainty Bess.
We also went to Ontario, Oregon-now that is a happening town. We drove around the town for a bit, went to this lake they have, and that’s pretty much all that you can do over there! I think I’d hate to live in that sort of town. I mean, where I live now doesn’t have all that much stuff, but at least we have mountains here to go up into to do stuff.
We also went to the art museum-and I swear, I will never understand art. There was a whole exhibit devoted to cockroaches. There were cockroaches with clothes glued onto them, and some pictures of cockroaches getting burned, and a giant cockroach with a noose around its neck, hanging from the ceiling. It was so weird. The exhibit we went there to see had actually closed the day before, so that was a little disappointing, but oh well.
It was a super fun trip. There were some things I learned, which I’d like to share in parting. Boise State University is to Boise as BYU is to Provo. Everyone has their merchandise, and everyone wears it. There are stores all over the place to sell this to everyone. If ever a guy starts talking to you about homeless people, start to walk around right there. We had a homeless guy that chatted us up for a while, and it was all nonsensical. If you have any doubts about going to Boise, have them no longer. Just pack yourself up, and take a quick trip.


Maleen said...

That is hilarious. I don't know what sounded better, the cockroach museum or the 23 minute zoo. I can't wait to go to Boise. I will convince Tyler soon that we should take the kids there pronto.

julie said...

I have not seen Boise in this light before. It was always a pass through town to go somewhere else. You have opened my eyes.

julie said...

I have not seen Boise in this light before. It was always a pass through town to go somewhere else. You have opened my eyes.

Chelle! said...

I think that I was the one that said the the Boise zoo was NOT worth going to. I had heard that it was like Portland's-which was horrible. Glad you are back!!