Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Now, everyone who frequents this blog knows that I am a little off. I like organized things, and I like things to be in an order. This extends to so many aspects of my life. Back in June 2005, I decided to watch all my movies in alphabetical order. Why, you might ask? I don't like to choose between movies. I have so many good ones, that trying to pick one would be really hard to do. So to give everyone a chance, I decided to watch them all, this way, nobody's feelings get hurt. (Because in my brain, DVD's have feelings? I'm really not sure) I started this thinking it would be over within a year or so, and I'd be feeling all good about it. Was I wrong.
The reason I'm writing about it today is because is a momentous occasion in my quest. This evening, at approximately 9:53 pm (MST) I finished the letter I, which concluded with the movie, The Italian Job. 3 years in the making, and I have finished 9 letters. Now, before you go jumping to the conclusion that I have millions of DVD's (which I don't) keep in mind that I've not only been watching my movies. I also have my Netflix, and my beloved Tivo. Before Tivo came along, I probably could be going through these quicker, but it's so enticing to find as many things on my TV to watch as possible. At one click of a button, I get to watch new movies, old classics, favorite TV shows. Its a dangerous thing to have, and steals up entirely too much time. But don't any of you be thinking I do nothing but sit on my bum and watch TV all day. As you all know, I'm a runner, so for about 76 percent of the time I am watching, I am working out. So its not that I'm just a couch potato. I'm actually making my body awesome whilst I ruin my mind. It's a good trade-off, I think.
While I am elated that I have finished another letter, a sad cloud comes over me. 3 years, and I'm only done with I? I still have 17 letters to go? I will never finish this! But I'm keeping strong. Every once in a while, I think I should just chuck the whole thing, and not even do it anymore, but then I think about how much time I've put into this. I have not been doing this for so long, just to stop doing it now. I will keep going. One day, I will finish all my letters. I will throw myself a freaking party when this is done. There will be balloons, and games, and dancing. I will be doing my happy dance for like a week and a half. So in 57 years, when I finish this, to anyone that's still my friend, save the date. It'll be one heck of a shindig.


Maleen said...

...And in eighty-nine years she ate that whale because she said she would!

Chelle! said...

TOO HILARIOUS!!!! I think that you will finish before you are 57 years old. Hey, maybe we should sneak a portable DVD player into the office and have us a fun time when the phones are not ringing...we could post a watch person...remember our bird noises with Seth?

PJ said...

Two things:
1. Remember, you also get a gift basket when you finish all your watching.
2. Last night, for the first time I can remember since I bought that cursed thing, my TiVo was empty...

...then I woke up this morning and had three more hours of stuff to watch. I should never have spent my money on it.