Monday, November 9, 2015

Miscellaneous Monday

You guys, I have too much school going on right now. It’s nearly Thanksgiving, so I have a million things due. Ok, and by million, I mean I have 2, I have 2 papers due the week before Thanksgiving. I’ve been working on one of them for the last week or so, and as of today, I think I’ve finished it. Unfortunately, I still have the other one to write, and it’s going to be the worst one of them. Hopefully it won’t be too awful and I can finish it with days to spare.

Originally, I was supposed to be teaching for YW next Sunday, but with a surprise twist, I was only going to have to teach for about half of the time, since we’d be getting a new presidency for the girls. Then last week, I was informed that we were moving the new presidency date, and I’d have to teach the whole time. Daaaaang it! And then I was informed this week, we have to change up the way things go, so I don’t have to teach at all! What a fantastic chain of events! I know, I know, I should want to teach and blah blah but I don’t. It’s actually the worst part of this calling, and I hate it more than life itself. I’m waiting every day to not hate it, and maybe someday I will. But for now, I’ll celebrate not having to teach.

Do you ever feel like being an adult is stupid? Like, for just one day, you want to quit being adults? I would love this. I would love to make no decisions for myself, but have an amazing day of just playing, while someone else cooks my meals, and brings me places, and plans my whole day for me, and I just have to worry about coloring, or if I’m going to get “the good cup” at dinner. (yes my family had a “good cup”). I just feel like one of these days would be great.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Hahaha, I totally agree. I want a day off where someone else does the laundry and cooks and worries about tidying up and it doesn't have to be ME for everything. Could it please be the next time I throw up? I hate cleaning up when I am sick.