Monday, November 16, 2015

Miscellaneous Monday

Thursday of last week, I was running some errands, and then had picked up some lunch. I was waiting at the back of the stores, waiting to be able to turn left out of this business. I had been waiting for a minute, and it didn’t look like I was going to be able to turn any time soon, so I was looking at my phone, reading something to Husband. All of a sudden, BAM, I was hit! I got rear-ended! I got out of my car, and we took a look at our cars, and miraculously, no damage! I had never been so happy to have my new car, if I had had my Toyota, it would have folded like an accordion. We exchanged information, just in case, and went on our merry way. Thank goodness that nothing happened!

I have great news, everyone, I only have 1 paper left for this semester. It’s due in 6 days, and I know what you’re thinking: oh Vieve, you must be almost done! But no, this isn’t the case. I haven’t even started. I only just found out what the paper was going to be on last Thursday. I had a lot of science homework to do over the weekend, so I finally started to write in on Sunday. I have none started. I tried to get things going, but I don’t know how to begin, and I don’t know how to do it. Papers are literally the worst, I hate them so much, it makes me want to quit school. Hopefully I can get this done within the next few days, and we can rest easy the rest of the year.

I’ve realized recently that the end of the month of December will be insane. Not only is Christmas happening, but I also have finals a week before that, a wedding (not mine obvs) a few days before, with a second reception (these two events are in completely different places than my town, so the travel time alone is going to be annoying) and then Christmas. My stress level for all of these things is about 89% right now, and I’m a month away from these things happening. I’m trying to remain calm, but this stuff is all doing me in, and there’s almost nothing I can do to lower my stress at this point. Let’s all send some good stress-free vibes this way, guys.

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