Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Chilling in Washington

This morning, I went running in the gray and rainy weather. I knew that I should have been expecting this, but still, gray weather is the worst. As I was running, I came upon this sign:

And of course, I had to snap a picture and send it to my dad. (If you can’t see it, it says Blaine Ave) Since I’m only here for a few days, I decided to take it upon myself to choose the outfits for baby all week. This is todays:


He doesn’t care to have his clothes taken off and his diaper changed, I learned this. He did calm down as soon as we got him dressed and snuggled.


My sister took me on a tour of the base, we went to stores, and we drove around and just saw a lot of things. We had to take it kind of easy, since her doc advised her to be doing so, and that was fine with me. We had a Robin Williams movie marathon, and made some crock pot pulled pork sandwiches, and enjoyed the day. It’s nice to have a vacay where it’s just chill, and you’re not running from place to place.

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