Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 94–A Pup Feeling Better

Since we’ve gotten the carpet in, Cookie has been sick every day. She is sick at night, she is sick during the day, both vomiting and…otherwise. Finally, yesterday morning, we had decided that it was a good idea to take her to the vet. Husband thought it out, and googled new carpet and dogs, and we found that dogs get sick after putting in new carpet, they can smell the fumes longer than we can, and it makes them sick. So we opened every window and door in the house today, and made sure Cookie was outside for a chunk of the morning. Then last night, when we were relaxing, she seemed to be doing better than she had all week. She was super snuggly.
She wouldn’t let go of her toy there, no matter how hard I tried. But she was a cutie, and luckily today she hasn’t been sick, so maybe she’s better! Fingers crossed, everyone.

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