Monday, July 21, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

I haven’t done one of these in so long! Honestly, this is fantastic, it’s like settling back into old habits. Cookie was returned to me this morning, I had my sister-in-law watch her over the weekend, and was so jazzed to have her back in the house. She was very excited to come home, and after a celebratory jig when she first got here, she celebrated by laying around all day, like she always does. What a lazy, spoiled dog.

I got to go grocery shopping this morning, and that was fun. I never go shopping during the week, I usually just do it on Saturday, but going during the day during the week feels so taboo, like I’m doing something wrong. I got everything I needed, picked up a prescription, and then came home. About 2 hours later, I got a call from Target, letting me know that I had actually left the prescription in my cart when I emptied it. Good work, Vieve.

When I was in Boise, I wanted to go to a local cupcake shop, since that’s what I do in every place. I finally got to go on Saturday afternoon. When I got there, I found a sign on the door that said “sold out” Yeah, they had sold all of their cupcakes apparently, and closed early. What kind of place does this?! So then, I was telling the friends who we were visiting, and she said she knew of a place I could get a cupcake and it would be good. I said ok, I was kind of excited for her to take me to a cupcake place. We get in the car, and she takes me to… a grocery store. Literally, she took me to a grocery store for a cupcake. I was incredibly disappointed, but I got a cupcake there anyway. When I got back, I found that they had given me the wrong cupcake, so it was a bad time all around. Hopefully. should I go again, I can get a cupcake from an actual baker!

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