Friday, December 9, 2011

Foto Friday

A month or so ago, my Aunt posted this picture on her Facebook page. I really liked it, and now I’m (finally) posting it on here.


I’ve never really slept with a teddy bear. I’ve had various ones over the years, and when I was younger I tried to sleep with it, but in the middle of the night, I would lose my hold on him, and he would end up on the floor, where I would find him the next morning. I think I’ve only had one bear, since I was about 3, and since then I’ve had like, stuffed animals, but no bears. I still actually have the same bear that I got when I was young. I wish I had thought to take a picture of him, too, but I forgot. He’s a little ratty now, and his eyes no longer glow like they used to (he hasn’t had batteries for years) but he’s still soft and cuddly. Now I sort of sleep with Inspector (whom you all should remember) but he doesn’t really sleep with me so much as he just sleeps on our giant bed where no one touches him so he can’t fall off.

This picture makes me want to get a little bear to keep near me too. And I’d like to equip him with a sword.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Oh, I think I need a cute cuddly teddy bear...maybe I would sleep better.