Thursday, June 19, 2008

This is why I have the rules!

When I bought my (gently used) new car about three years ago, I instated all sorts of rules. I wanted my car to stay nice and clean for as long as I could. Some of these rules are still intact today (no pets in the car) and some of them; I bend the rules a little bit for when it suits my purpose. One of them is no food in the car. I can’t tell you how many times, in my old car, I would spill food all over the place. There’d be crummies everywhere, and a place that was a little sticky from where I spilled a drink or two, and I vowed that in my new car, such things would not occur. And for the first year or two, I stuck to this rule like crazy. But some things change...
Real played last night-and ended in a 0-0 tie, it was such a crappy game! I was so irritated. But this is beside the point. After every game, PJ and I get ice cream, usually from the Baskin Robbins. As we pulled into the Baskin Robbins, we noticed there were policeman and police cars there, blocking the entrance. Hesitant to go in, we had pulled in after a couple, and when they were denied access to the store, we left. Feeling that we would not get our traditional treat, we drove on, saddened. After a few blocks, we noticed a Sconecutter, and decided we should get a shake. (And a scone-so delicious) After placing our orders (and them getting messed up-sorry Peej) we were satisfied with our choice. Well, sort of satisfied, since PJ didn’t actually get the shake she ordered.
At the end of the night, I was getting out of my car, and had a bunch of stuff to take with me. My shirt (I changed into a Real jersey for the game) a jacket, scarf, purse, and the bag that contained the garbage from our snack. When I picked up the garbage bag, I didn’t have a good handle on it, and it flipped out my hands. Which usually wouldn’t matter, but one of the cups had the melted remainder of ice cream in it. When the bag flipped, so did the cup, and melted ice cream sprayed all over my car! As I watched it, the only thought that went through my mind was, “This is why I don’t allow food in my car…”
I ran inside quickly, and grabbed some wet wipes and paper towels, and proceeded to clean my car. Because it was night, it was dark, and the light from my car wasn’t very helpful, so I cleaned what I could, and hoped for the best. This morning, you couldn’t tell that I had dropped anything, so thank goodness. I will probably continue to allow food to be in my car (on a situational basis) but when it comes to taking stuff out of there, I’ll be more careful in the future!


PJ said...

It was my shake, wasn't it? So not only was it not the correct flavor, but it further cemented its disappointment by spilling itself in your car. Loser shake.

Chelle! said...

You make me laugh!!! I am sorry that you did not get your Baskin Robbin treat!! That sounds so yummy right now.

Maleen said...

I keep trying the no food rule in my car and then I keep giving things to my kids, who keep spilling them, only to remind me that I should really enforce the no food rule. I will never learn.