Sunday, June 22, 2008

I should be out playing laser tag, being awesome.

I always thought I was good at sports. I excel at soccer, that's my sport of choice, but I can hold my own in other sports. I don't know if we're definining this as a sport, but I will. I have played laser tag before. Not often, only like, three times, but I always had good times playing, so I assumed I was pretty good at it. I went to a ward activity (right? Me at a ward activity?) on Saturday, because it was a laser tag activity. There were 36 people that showed up, we were divided up into two equal teams. We were given our vests (I was on the red team) and we were on our way.
Turns out, I really suck at this game. There was a lot of people, and I don't really know any of the people in my ward, so I didn't know who was on my team and who wasn't. I pretty much stayed out of the big fighting in the middle of the thing, shooting people when I happened upon them. I thought I was doing ok, though, I thought I was at least hitting them. After the game, we got our sheets that had all of our stats on them, and I was...27th! I couldn't believe it-I thought I would be more in the middle, but no. At least my team beat the other team, but still. I was a little disappointed in myself. I'd like to be able to say I'll practice and be better, but...I know that's not true. Laser tag is fun, but I'm uneasy playing a game in the dark like that. I like to see my opponents when I take them on. I know that I probably will never be good at this game, but at least I know I enjoy the game as I'm losing it. And maybe someday, I can move up in the rankings!


Chelle! said...

Let's see, think of who you played Lazer tag with in the past. HMM!!! Maybe you are the best with that group because....well, lets just say. Try harder next time!!!

PJ said...

I was half blind and I beat you!

Maleen said...

Don't sell yourself short. I thought you did awesome when we played. You can at least practice with us once a year.