Thursday, June 26, 2008

There's a party in the stadium parking lot...

Today was a great day for kids of all ages. Real has been building their stadium, and it is nearing completion. Of course, by that, I mean, there is the basic set up, and a bunch of seats are in, but they finally got the sod in! Today was the day PJ and I had to go to the new stadium, and pick out our tickets for next year. We got to take a tour, complete with hard hats and orange vests. Now, I understand, hard hats are not a fashion statement. You're not supposed to look good, and the hats are one size fits all. Unfortunately, my head is on the small side. And not just slightly, I mean, freakishly small. So putting the hat on, it was way too big. I had to hold it every time I move, it shifted constantly, and it was just ridiculous. Thank goodness nothing bad happened, or else I'm pretty sure I would have just died. That hat would not have helped at all. We walked around for a while, looked at the view from many of the seats, and (at least, in my mind) imagined what it would be like to watch our boys play there.
After the tour, we played a little foosball while waiting for our turn for the ticket guy. Turns out, I am really bad at that game! Dang those little men, and they're being stuck together at the waist, its not helpful in a game situation at all! When we finally got into the ticket room, we were able to meet and get our picture taken with a player, in our case, it was Matias Cordoba, a newcomer to our team. He is way cuter in real life than he is in any of the pictures I've seen of him, or the tiny version I've seen of him playing on the field. I was pleased with the player we got. And I got to touch him-which was awesome. We chose our seats, which are not at all bad (but in this stadium, there really isn't a bad seat you can get!) and now, I cannot wait for the stadium to be done. Of course, I was already excited for the new stadium, but now that I've seen it, its real to me, which ups my excitement level by even more!
It is a really long time until we get into the new stadium, and when we make the move, the games will be so much better to watch. Plus, we'll be closer to the players! That means, when I give them directions from my seat, or scold them for making a bad play, I bet they'll hear me! And follow my directions.


PJ said...

Do you think that if you would have gotten hurt (and not died) they would have given us club seats for free? Because I totally could have made that happen, if so.

Chelle! said...

YEA!! I am glad you got the tickets that you wanted. I think you need to post the picture of you and that dang cute soccer dude!!!