Sunday, October 4, 2020

Bye, Wyoming!

 So today we left Wyoming. Yes, I was here for less than 48 hours, perfect haha. So we hit up the gas station to refill the gas tank to get home. And I got a treat. 

Yep. I got myself 100 ounces of that sweet, sweet Atomic Blue. That, however is not selfish, I wanted to bring some home for Husband to try! I'm not rude! 

So we hit the road. Instead of just hopping on the 80 and doing a direct drive, we decided to come through Flaming Gorge and Vernal and enjoy some sights. 

We made it to Utah! 

Then, I literally had to pull over and PEE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD because as it turns out, there is not a single gas station between the border and Vernal Utah. And I drank a good amount of drink. Yep. Can't believe it either, but there we are. But, we made it! We're good! It was such a fun trip and I'm so glad I got to go. 

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