Saturday, April 25, 2020

That's a Negative

Utah has this initiative where they would like everyone here to get tested (regularly!) for Corona. Since I love to help out with things, I said, sure, let's do this. So I answered some questions online and then headed to the nearest hospital for the test.
Y'all. The test.
It's not great.
Of course it isn't.
So I drove up (it's a drive thru test, how easy!) and after they scanned my stuff and knew I was who I said I was, they took out a foot long q-tip and shoved that bad boy as far up my nose as it could go. It genuinely felt like they were touching my brain! Holy cow. So they swabbed five times on my left nostril, then stuck it up the other side - even farther it felt like - and swabbed five times there as well. I was gripping the steering wheel in an attempt to try and help refocus something haha. But hey, it wasn't the worst thing that I had to go through in my life, so don't anybody be afraid to get this test! And then today, (btw I got the test done on Wednesday) 72 hours later, my results are in.
Negative! Exactly as I was anticipating (no symptoms leads me to believe no sickness) so I felt good about it. I plan on still taking the surveys they send me every week until such time happens in which I may get tested again. Hopefully I won't get it!

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