Monday, April 20, 2020

Quarantine Project: Cleaning the Garage

Well, as we know, I've been cleaning/organizing up a storm with all this free time on my hands. I think I'm down to the last place, the garage. I thought ahead and tried to take a 'before' pic, but hey, I had already done a few items of cleaning in there before I realized, so it's not a good indicator of what it looked like, alas. 
 So here it is. What I did was, I took every single thing that was in the garage out. I cleaned some of it, I did a 'toss' or 'keep' pile, and put some of the stuff in the shed, since that where it should have belonged. That took a while. From start of project to end, it was about 6 hours. By the time it was done, I was sweaty and filthy haha the garage is not a clean place! When I was finished, I had two visits to the city dumpsters to get rid of broken/left/garbage in general. And then when I was done:
Ta daaaa! Looks so good to me! And the stuff in the front left, the orange fan, the yellow box, the Amazon box, is not my stuff. That belongs to people (we borrowed them but it doesn't seem a good time to return them during this time haha) so I'm just waiting until it's better times and then I'll get rid of them as well and have even more space. 
I'm honestly so jazzed to have so many clean and organized spaces. What will I do now that those projects are all done? I'm not sure! Stay tuned! 

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