Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quarantine Project: Organize Papers

I have said before that Husband is currently getting his PhD at the U of U. He's in the research/paper writing/dissertation part, so he spends a great chunk of his time reading other people's papers, writing his, all that jazz. In order to do this, he has printed off a very great number of papers and has been leaving them ... all over the house. For the last year or so this has been infuriating to me. Paper piles everywhere! It's nuts! You can't find anything! They're everywhere! So, finally, he let me organize his papers in these boring quarantine times. There wasn't a way to get a before pic, since it's just piles of papers everywhere, but look how great they look being organized into his desk drawer. 

Look how great! And it felt so nice to get them all organized. I'm rapidly running out of things to organize ... hoping quarantine doesn't last much longer! 

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