Saturday, August 29, 2015

New Tiny Bestie

Today, as I was chilling, all of a sudden, Husband called me from upstairs and told me to quietly come outside. All riiiiight, I thought suspiciously, but came anyway. I got up there, and lo and behold, there was a tiny family of quails running through our yard, a mama and like, 10 tiny babies! I snapped this pic before they got too far:


You can barely even see them, but that’s the best I could do. Then I saw one go underneath a car in the street, and the rest of his crew ran away. I was basically in tears trying to figure out if he was going to be lost behind! I kept tabs on him, and at one point, he came out from under the car, but as I got closer, he didn’t run away.


Then I was concerned about him frying to death on the hot street in the hot sun, so a neighbor and I conspired to get him into the grass, and hopefully to his family. But when we tried to grab him, he went back under the car. Defeated, and believing everyone’s words of “leave him alone, his mom will find him or he’ll find his mom” (and by everyone, I mean my sister, Husband, and the neighbor) I left him alone. I came out a little later, and he was gone, so I think they did find each other! I’m sad not to have my bestie around still, but I’m glad knowing he’s with his tiny adorable family.

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