Monday, August 10, 2015

Miscellaneous Monday

Summer is almost over. I can’t believe that in two weeks from today, I’ll be back in school. I’m all registered, I have my schedule, I just need to get some new notebooks. I know that I could just tear the pages out of my old notebooks, and use them anew, but I like having a new, separate notebook for every class, with no thinning pages from previous use. I’ll probably go school shopping the Saturday before school starts, so let’s all wish me luck that I can find the notebooks that I want.

Yesterday, I taught a YW lesson to my Laurels for the 4th time. I’m still just as nervous as I was the first time, and that’s mostly because as a teacher, I don’t think I’m improving. I’m not learning how to be a better teacher, and maybe that’s bad on my part, because you’d think after about 5/6 months of being in this calling, I would improve, but I’m just not. And it’s not just me being critical of myself, and saying that to be humble or anything, I literally still have the YW president texting me after the lessons, giving me tips and stuff of what I could do to be better, and how I could have probably improved on this lesson. And that’s fantastic, I am grateful for the help, but I am really frustrated with not being a good teacher. It’s almost driving me to the point of not wanting to be in this calling at all. If I’m not helping anyone, if I cant get through or get my message across, then what’s the point of being in it at all? Just something to ponder about, for now, I s’pose.

Husband has recently decided to go back to school and get his MBA. Last week, we found out that he was accepted into the U of U’s MBA program, how exciting! This does mean that we’re both in school at the same time, which is really weird. You’d think that being in our thirties, we’d be done with this phase of our life, but I feel like we’re brand new 20something year old kids, who impulsively got married just as we began school. Hopefully the two of us will do well in our studies, and maybe we can help each other study and get through it!

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