Friday, July 17, 2015

New car, new car

So the other day, I was driving my sister and baby to my house from the airport. On the way, my car decided to die. While driving. On the freeway. My engine just stopped. Luckily I was able to maneuver myself to the off ramp, and then spent some time waiting for a tow truck…Husband to get us…many much things. After getting it towed, and then waiting a day for the car place to call us back, we found out that the car was a goner. The price of fixing it was about as much as the car is worth, so we just went, well, it doesn’t make sense to fix it if it costs that much. So after much deliberation, we decided instead to just buy a used car. I sold my old car for basically nothing to a guy at the shop, which was about as much as I was going to get for it. Then we looked for the car. After a lot of looking, I found my car:


A Chevy Equinox. It’s much bigger than my car, so I’m still getting used to it, but I’m enjoying having a nice car. Not that my 2001 Toyota Echo wasn’t nice, but it wasn’t. It had nothing automatic, neither windows nor doors, so the automatic stuff here is nice. I can’t wait to drive this guy everywhere.

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