Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Lollipop Bouquet

I made my very first (and hopefully not last!) lollipop bouquet. It’s the birthday of one of the gals I visit teach, and I thought long and hard about what to give that was fun and yet not too weird to give. Finally, I settled on this, and after a late-night trip to Walmart (I had the idea at 10:00 Saturday night, and her birthday was today, of course) I got all I needed, and hurried and made it, and I think it turned out pretty dang cute!


Basically, you take a terra-cotta pot, throw a Styrofoam ball in there, and jab lollipops in there until you can’t see the ball anymore. Tie a ribbon around it, and ta-daaa! Finished! I think it ended up awesome, and I’m glad I thought of it in time!

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