Monday, March 26, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

Hmmm...I think all I do now is Miscellaneous Mondays...oh well. Not a lot going on lately to blog about!

When I came home from work on Friday, my front door was wide open. Now me, the practical (super paranoid) person that I am, thought that of course, Husband had left it open, as he’s prone to do. Unfortunately for my nerves, he had left on a scout camping trip about 3 hours earlier. So I sat in my car for a few minutes, debating on if it was innocently left open, or a burglar (or worse!) was in my house. As I sat there, in the driveway, I wondered how crazy I must have looked to the neighbors. So finally, I chose to believe that it was an accident, and there was no one inside. So I cautiously enter the house, and sneak around (holding my water bottle like a weapon, which is good, because if anything is going to scare a prowler, it’s an empty plastic bottle) after I looked at every room, I determined the place to be free of invaders. Luckily. Of course, going to sleep that night was hard, as I was sure that someone had just waited in the house, hiding, for me to go to sleep. I really need to man up when I’m alone.

Yesterday at church, my nephew Zeke climbed onto my lap during sacrament meeting. (My brother and his wife have recently joined my ward) He’s about 4, so during the meeting, instead of listening to the speakers, he decided to just talk the whole time, regardless of my telling him we should be quiet and listen. He was pretty funny the whole time, but my favorite thing he said was “You can’t kill someone you know.” I thought that was nice. I don’t even remember how the subject came up (I think he may have hit Husband, who then played dead, and I told Zeke he had killed him. Zeke then told me that wasn’t possible) but good to know. He also explained to me how cutting hair works, and had never heard of gel, because when I said I had used gel in my hair that morning, he asked, “Like prison?” I just laughed, and probably a little too loudly, since we were in church and all.

My last stitches came out yesterday! I probably played with them a little too much, so oops, but come on! How do they not expect you to? It’s a new foreign object in your mouth, of course you will. The first one fell out yesterday as I was getting ready for church, and the second fell out while I was watching TV. Actually, I may have to rescind my earlier comment, I don’t know for sure if it was the last set. I think I can feel another one in there, but I don’t know if it’s a stitch, or just another thing in my mouth. I guess time will tell, but I don’t really play with this one all that much, so it might take a while.


Maleen said...

So funny! I always use 'jail' in my hair. :)

Kids say the funniest things. I have been known to laugh out loud at church too, but sometimes it is because of what Tyler says too.

Chelle! said...

Oh my goodness...I would freak out if my front door was open when I arrived home from work. You are a brave soul!!! I am glad that you are ok.

That is too cute about Zeke. He adores you! should leave them alone!