Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Things I've Learned: Boston Edition

Ya'll, I'm back! I tell ya, I leave for a week, and come back with a wealth of knowledge. I will share with you my learnings, so that in case you go to Boston someday, you'll have this info to save you any time. Or, if you are just interested in learning things about Boston.

- Boston is the hottest place ever, because of their humidity. This was my first encounter with humidity, and believe me, we did not get along. In fact, we hate each other. I will avoid the states that aren't dry in the future.

- The transit system in Boston is literally the most ridiculous thing ever. I understand how this could save their traffic, etc, but holy crap it's so hard to figure out.

- The mosquitoes there will eat you until you are dead. I have - at last count - 15 bug bites from 1 hour spent outside, touring this one place. I couldn't swat them away fast enough, which is clear from how many I have. I've never itched this much in my whole life.

- Walking for 6 days in flip flops has left me with giant blisters. I know, you people will say, wear regular shoes, but at this point, I have blisters all over my feet, I'm not really sure what to do in the way of shoes anymore.

-I love the Boston accent. It's so fabulous to listen to-and after trying for several days, I can sometimes imitate it! If you know me, you know I am horrible at accents, so this is a victory!

Anyhoo, I'm sure there are many more, but to share them all would take too long! Enjoy my knowledge, and although I had a great time, I am glad to be back.


Maleen said...

Reading this only confirms that I need a vacation of some sort, even if it means humidity and mosquitoes.

Chelle! said...

Yeah!! I am glad that you are back. Thanks for sharing all of your fun and interesting experiences. I loved all the pictures!!!